As you all know I am an Ecclectic Wiccan (if not you now do).
This means i follow the Craft which in short mean I'm a witch without the magic. (by choice, some do magic).
I can't really explain what the Craft IS because that is for you to find out yourself but what the base of it is, is that you are there to help others as best you can.
I enjoy it because it helps you as well as helping others so you are able to gain guidance from it as well as explanations.
Wicca, as you may know, is an "earth religion" so we whorship the earth and nature but there is also the god and goddess which we may also choose to follow. If we want we can even choose who that God and who that Goddes is.
The best way to pick is to pick the ones that you find yourself drawn to because that means you have a connection with them and they are already aware of you.
Also choose one that you find suits you. Don't bother following Bodicea if you're not into firey and powerful and not to mention a bit violent (shes a Warrior Goddess who supposedly murdered 70,000 people because her daughter was raped and she seeked revenge) if you're chilled out and peaceful.
Some people/covens choose to do rituals to these gods and goddess' or the earth skyclad (naked) so please, if you're thinking about joining a coven, remember to ask this as to avoid a nasty surprise when you arrive for your naming ceremony.
As always questions and thoughts are welcome.
Shanti and Blessed be.
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